New Indian Express: Interview Of Marcos Segador Arrebola, MD, Gi Group India

24 May 2021

Disparity between boss and staff on mental health issues According to the World Health Organisation, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders. Furthermore, a survey conducted by Gi Grou...

Read More- New Indian Express: Interview Of Marcos Segador Arrebola, MD, Gi Group India

ET HR WORLD: Authored Article By Marcos Segador Arrebola, MD Gi group India

24 May 2021

How India Inc fares on mental health index 2020 has been a consequential year, both in terms of survival and sustenance. While many people across the nation lost their jobs, many others were crushed under the pressure of working round the clock. A...

Read More- ET HR WORLD: Authored Article By Marcos Segador Arrebola, MD Gi group India

Free Press Journal: India Inc operations under pressure as more employees catch COVID

5 May 2021

India Inc operations under pressure as more employees catch COVID When the lockdown was announced in the first phase of COVID, companies managed to run operations smoothly resorting to Work From Home and other measures. However, the second wave, w...

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5 May 2021

INDIA – EMPLOYERS BLAME LONG WORK HOURS FOR MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, EMPLOYEES BLAME LEADERSHIP Most employers in India feel long erratic working hours is the top factor leading to mental health issues, while the majority of employees have put the ro...


HR katha: 79% employees feel indifferent superiors affect mental health at work

5 May 2021

79% employees feel indifferent superiors affect mental health at work While most employees blame leadership for the mental health issues that emerge at the workplace, the employers choose to underplay the role of leadership. This is clear from the...

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Financial Express: Appraisal anxiety in the Covid-19 pandemic-era

23 April 2021

Appraisal anxiety in the Covid-19 pandemic-era 2020 has surely been unprecedented. With the level of uncertainty at an all-time high, the idea of an appraisal after 2 years has increased employee’s anxiety significantly. The year has been difficul...

Read More- Financial Express: Appraisal anxiety in the Covid-19 pandemic-era

Jagran Times: Survey: Employers said long hours of work caused mental problem, employees questioned the boss

23 April 2021

Survey: Employers said long hours of work caused mental problem, employees questioned the boss Most employers are facing problems related to mental health due to long hours of work, it is believed by most employers. At the same time, employees hav...

Read More- Jagran Times: Survey: Employers said long hours of work caused mental problem, employees questioned the boss

The Hindustan (Hindi) – Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey

23 April 2021

Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey   काम के लंबे घंटों की वजह से कर्मचारियों को मानसिक स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित दिक्कतें आ रही हैं, यह मानना है ज्यादातर नियोक्ताओं का।  वहीं कर्मचा...

Read More- The Hindustan (Hindi) – Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey

Hindustan Times: Indian bosses blame long hours for mental health issues, employees blame bosses

23 April 2021

Indian bosses blame long hours for mental health issues, employees blame bosses Most employers feel long erratic working hours is the top aspect leading to mental health issues, while majority of employees have put the role of leadership as the to...

Read More- Hindustan Times: Indian bosses blame long hours for mental health issues, employees blame bosses

Devdiscourse: Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey

23 April 2021

Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey Most employers feel long eratic working hours is the top aspect leading to mental health issues, while majority of employees have put the role of ...

Read More- Devdiscourse: Employers blame long work hours for mental health issues, employees point to leadership role: Survey