Send your CV × Thank you for sending your application. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Date of Birth*: Select branch*: —Seleziona un'opzione—INTERNATIONALALL BRANCHESNOIDA (HQ)GURGAONBANGALOREKOLKATACHENNAIPUNEMUMBAIAHMEDABADCHANDIGARHHYDERABAD Upload CV (In .doc, .docx, .pdf format only)*: PRIVACY NOTICE Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196 of 30th June 2003 containing the so-called Personal Data Protection Code (henceforth also 'Code') Gi Group S.p.A. (henceforth also 'GI') hereby supplies information relating to the purposes, methods and communication and dissemination contexts relating to the personal data provided in this registration form. This data collection relates in particular to commonly used personal data which will be subject to processing as specified in this notice. If participants decide to do so they can also provide sensitive personal data on their CVs as specified in Article 4, subsection 1, point d) of the Code, personal data indicating their racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of political parties, trade unions, associations or religious, philosophical, political or trade union organisations, state of health and sexual orientation. Any sensitive data provided will be processed in accordance with applicable laws (especially the Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 referred to above and Legislative Decree no. 276/2003). Data processing takes place for the following purposes: 1) participation in the Destinazione Lavoro initiative; 2) staff search and selection: a) to be employed at client companies using our job services on fixed term or indefinite job contracts, d) in the context of the implementation of active employment policies or joint working and/or partnership agreements with public or private market operators; 3) communications, including via email. text message or MMS, relating to GI's activities, marketing, commercial communications, market research and statistical analysis. Personal data will be processed both manually and via IT tools and telematic systems by GI staff expressly entrusted with such data processing. NATURE OF DATA PROVISION AND CONSEQUENCES OF REFUSAL The provision of personal data, whilst optional, is required for the purposes of the initiative. Any refusal to provide such data would, in fact, make it impossible for GI to carry out the activities listed above. Participants are requested to consent to the processing of their data. COMMUNICATION SPHERE AND DATA DISSEMINATION Personal data can be passed on by GI to client or potential client companies or bodies for the purposes set out in point 2 above and to the Group's other companies for the purposes set out in points 2, 3 and 4 above. Personal data can also be passed on to the Group's companies for accounting and administrative purposes as well as, by express consent, to the Group's companies in Italy and abroad (with the European Union or outside the EU) for the purposes set out in points 2, 3 and 4 above. Personal data can also be passed onto third parties expressly appointed by those responsible for data processing who supply IT or archiving services to GI. The personal data supplied by participants will not be passed on. We hereby inform you that Article 7 of the Code entitles you to request confirmation of your personal data even if it has not yet been registered and its communication in intelligible form in addition to indications on its origin, purposes and processing methods, the logic applied to it, the identity details of the data controller, processor and the third parties or categories of third party to whom data can be communicated or who may come into contact with it whilst employed in updating, correcting and adding to data, cancelling it, transforming it into anonymous form or blocking the data in violation of the law, certification that such operations have been communicated to any third parties to whom the data was communicated. Interested parties are also entitled to oppose the processing of their data for justifiable reasons or in the event that they are used for advertising, direct marketing or for DATA CONTROLLER AND PROCESSOR The data controller and processor of this personal data is Gi Group S.p.A with head offices in Milan in Piazza IV Novembre, 5 in the person of its legal representative. An up-to-date list of any subjects entrusted by the data controller with access to such data is available on the website and each of its branches. CONSENT I have read this privacy notice and understand that the processing of the personal data supplied in this registration form for the purposes of participation in the Destinazione Lavoro initiative does not require my consent pursuant to Article 24, subsection 1, point b). I agree to disclosing my personal data to the Group in India or abroad for the processing thereof to pursue the purposes mentioned above): YesNo